Saturday, December 29, 2012

Storm Black Bear - HAPPYROCK COFFEE ROASTERY-- Gladstone, Oregon

Preparation:  Aero Press

Scores:  Scale of 1 - 10 with 10 being excellent

Aroma:   10
Balance:  9
Flavor:     9
Smoothness: 9

            Hint of Smoke

             Slightly Ashy

Summary:  It is dark, wet and stormy here in Portland, Oregon.  Thanks to Danny, I have the perfect coffee to brew.  He gave me an early Christmas present of coffee beans from HAPPYROCK Coffee Roastery.  A Black Bear Storm is brewing in my Aero Press.   Grrrr.......

Although there is a bear on the label, this coffee does not bite.  It is fairly smooth and very dark.  The only negative is that after sipping two cups I have an ashy aftertaste in my mouth. With a little cream and sugar........ all is better.

  I ground the beans in my Burr coffee grinder on the #2 setting and used 160* water in the Aero Press single serve coffee maker.

Overall score:   9

Yummy !!!!!

465 Portland Ave
Gladstone, OR 97027